Sunday, December 28, 2014

Since I started this blog ( which was yesterday ) I  thought incredibly much about how the whole year is going to be. I kinda worry that I will not fit into the family or that maybe I wont find friends.
I'm so nervous...but a good nervous...because I dont know where I'll spend the year. It is possible that I come to Hawaii, Washington, Texas, Florida...EVERYWHERE! The first thing I do every day when I come home is turn on my laptop to see if I have any new mails. The mail that tells me where my new home will be could come any second, the thing is it could also come like 2 days before I'm leaving Germany. I'm already so excited!!!

So that's it for today. I hope I'll see you soon.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Okay so I'm new to this whole blogging thing and first of all HELLO WELCOME ON MY BLOG.
The main reason I started this blog is to post some of my experiences since I'll be making an exchange year in like 8 months. I'm from Germany so here is an apology for every spelling mistake I'm going to make. I hope that I can maybe help some people who are also interested in spending a year in an other country and I'll try to figure out how I can make something like an "ask-box" so that people can message me.
That's already it I guess thanks for visiting my blog and I hope that I'll see you soon.